
Let me know what you think!

Make comments, suggest topics, let me know if the discussions here and on my sister site are informative, helpful or just completely useless!

I’ve noticed a trend in much of my mail – so while I always welcome your comments – just remember: I am not a travel agent, nor do I negotiate prices for medical procedures.   I am not a former patient – and I don’t share graphic before and after pictures of patients.  I don’t work for any of the physicians listed, I am a medical writer and researcher.  Please take a look around the site first, and see if you find the answers to your questions..



18 thoughts on “Feedback

  1. Big enthusiast from this blog, a considerable number of your posts have truly helped me out. Looking forward to posts!

  2. hi, i have been thinking for a while to undergo vaser hi def procedure with dr hoyos. i know he is the one who invented this procedure. threfore i beleive he is supposed to be the best in this particular one. though i read your blog(not your book) and you suggest to be careful because the procedures he follows in the or as far as safety standards are not very good. could you please explain more in details what you mean by that? i am very close to decide to go to him, but your blog got me scared. thank you

  3. What a courageous way to answer the question: “So what don’t you like about Colombia”. I have been reading your blog for approx. 6 months. I am expanding our business to Colombia and I read to help prepare me for this market. This is an excellent example of why I read your posts. Keep up the good work!
    I’ll be sorry if/when you leave Colombia…

    • Steve,

      Thank you for your comments, it’s appreciated. As the world gets smaller – to me, it becomes even more critically important that we discuss, address and speak honestly about different cultural perspectives, customs and experiences, even if these perspectives may appear negative to outsiders.

      I find that as North Americans, we are often poorly prepared to understand and acknowledge these differences, and it is crippling in business, and international relations. Even with a bachelor’s degree in sociology (with emphasis on health and illness across cultures), it has taken several years to learn and appreciate these differences (and what they really mean in a ‘real-life’ sense, beyond the most traditional stereotypes (ie. machismo, so-called ‘latin’ time orientation etc.)

      I did leave Colombia – I came home yesterday, but not because of any of the issues I wrote about (and I will be back in Medellin in late July). But as an ‘independently financed’ (ie. self-supported) writer, I had to come home to earn enough money to pay for my continued writing. But don’t worry, I will always return.

  4. My reply yesterday was the first time I’ve replied to a blog (ever). I am not a blogger, I miss too many details writing vs. telling a story (one of your strengths as a writer).
    This topic struck a nerve. As I mentioned, I’m expanding business to Colombia, but also other countries in Latin America. Machismo and a general preoccupation with appearance is surprising and it requires attention if I am going to be successful with expansion. Again, thank you for posting! I read every one, so keep up the good work!


  5. Hi, I tried checking around your website, but could not find an answer to my question. I was wondering if you had any resources on eyebrow transplants in Colombia. It is proving to be very challenging to the research I need to beforehand to find a trustworthy, experienced doctor, but this is something I have been wanting to do for a very, very long time. Thanks for your help,

  6. Kristin,

    I am a ER nurse moving to Cali Colombia in August. Any information for me as to how best I can see patients, get in contact with doctors, or do any sort of nursing care? I’m sure I could find something in Bogota or Medellin but just from online searches medicine in Cali seems to be sparse.

    Also side note. I’m headed to caño cristales in October and your blog made me even more excited.

    • Zane – you will need to go thru the ministry of education – and have your degrees validated.. It’s a long painful process, and nursing pays badly in Colombia (but don’t let that discourage you!)

  7. Hello there, great content on this blog. I work for a company that develops medical simulators to help doctors practice difficult procedures before they do them in the OR. We use 3D and Haptic technology and I am curious if you have contact information for a simulation center or a doctor in charge of such. Thanks in advance.

  8. Hello Kristn. i have read some of your articles, including actual interviews with plastic surgeons in Medellín. i can find the one on Dr. R. Diaz, and the other listed on your site but there is anothe one that i can’t find, and that’s the one i am interested in. He has a high-profile practice in a modern office buiding in medellin, etc. iI don’t know if this is helpful or sufficient for you, but am hoping you can help me. thankyou, Mark B.

    • Mark,

      I will need a bit more information such as a name to answer your inquiry. However, if you can’t find his profile here, he may be one of the many, many Medellin plastic surgeons that refused to be interviewed or observed. (I had less success with my work in Medellin that the other cities I have written about.)

      • no, it was one of your interviews, in the vein of the one with dr. r. diaz. this other guy’s profile included a nice color photo of him, and i remember that his office was in a newer, high class, mall-type facility. if this doesn’t ring a bell, perhaps you have personal knowledge of a very good plastic surgeon there that specializes in facial work?.

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